Well Hello.
So I have to admit that I pretty much knew what was happening for transfers the last week or so. I did not want to say anything because it was still up in the air.
Sunday night one of the Zone Leaders told me that I would be going with him to Leiden the Mission Office on Thursday for some kind of a training. I thought that's weird. He later told me that its a training for potential trainers. I was like "Whaaaaaat?......" I might train.
On Monday the District that I am in decided to do a district P-day where we went to the 150 year Monument with bicycles. We rode from leeuwarden to there and back. 20 km each way..... In Suits since we said we bike all the time anyway so we might as well stick out to people, we did. The way there was really nice and at the monument we met the Van Komens who brought some Lunch Sandwiches. We had a really good time, till we had to bike back and the wind was blowing against us the entire time. It took us a little longer to get back. We still had fun it was just a little trying. On Monday Aswin had a knee surgery. It went really well.
On Tuesday we had a District Meeting talking about General Conference. It was really cool and the spirit was very strong. We also had another good lesson with Bernadette, the wonderful lady who will be baptized soon. She is so awesome and is making so much progress. We had a really good Branch Council and really got a lot of support from the Branch Members and Leaders.
Wednesday was a little slower, the reason, we had to e-mail and go grocery shopping.
Thursday we X-changed with the Zone Leaders and I went down to Leiden Through Amsterdam. I saw Amsterdam and the airport and an airplane which was about..... a year away from me. The Training was really and so inspiring and spirit filled. I feel so lucky that I was considered a potential trainer. After the training we had Domino's pizza. I then hung out with the office Elders for a while because we had to wait for a new car for the Zone Leaders. The rest of the day went really good as well.
On Friday we worked in Emmen and its about a hour bus ride and right as we got there our appointment called us off. Luckily we had something else planned as well.
On Saturday we did a lot of finding and got a couple doors with people not so happy to see us. We just responded nicely and left. We contacted over 50 people which means that we knocked at least over 100 doors since not everyone answered or was home.
Sunday was really nice. Bernadette showed up early and really liked church. I was asked to give a short 5 min talk about something I learned from General Conference. It went pretty good. However it was freezing in the church cause the heater did not work. Half of the members wore their jackets. We then went with the Loorbachs to eat with them and had delicious Lasagna and this time I had just the right amount. We had a fun time with them. I love um.
We had our 4th appointment with Bernadette that week and it was really cool. Then on our way home I received a phone call from one one of the Assistants who then told me that I will be training. Since the New Missionaries are experiencing difficulties with their Visa's they will be arriving a little late and Elder Merrill and I will stay together till then. Its been a really good week and I am excited to train. So that means I am staying in Assen for another 6 weeks at least. I will be in one District for half of my mission and only two cities. I love it though. Thanks for all the support. I love you all. Miss you.
Love Elder Ellis
Today while emailing us! First time sending pics through email... long overdue!
Typical Jon... One of his trademark looks :)