Monday, 24 October 2011

This Week Was Temple Day

Hello everyone
Hallo, hoe gaat het? Het gaat goed met mij en ik ben altijd blij. Mijn zending gaat heel goed tot nu toe. Ik had net mijn eerste doop, een man uit Zwolle, Metske is zijn naam. Ik ben so gelukig. Het is gek hoe snel de tijd vergaat, ik ben nu al 1 jaar op zending. ja vet man.
Yo I am so happy. like I said a man in Zwolle got baptized yesterday. I helped teach him when I was in Zwolle matter of fact, I kind of re found him. He has been investigating for a long time now and a countless number of Missionaries have taught him. I was filled with joy when I found out that everything went good.
Tuesday was good and all but the best part about it was at night we went to a lady with a member and taught about the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. It was a really good lesson. She wants to be baptized and wants to stop smoking. Well first stop smoking. After that appointment we went with the Member´s family to a American All you can eat Restaurant. It was really good and we had a really fun time. The De Jonges are so cool and so much fun. I ate so much that I about died. well I about exploded. That same night we took a train down to Apeldoorn to spend the night with the Zone Leader so we would be closer to the Temple since we had to be there at 9 in the morning. We got the Zone Leaders pretty late. It was a fun sleep over but of course nothing too crazy happened.
On Wednesday my comp and I woke up at 4:30 and got ready and then took the train to Zoetermeer which is where the temple is. It was a really cool day and we had lots of fun and it was so nice to go to the temple. Elder Weideman came a 70 out Switzerland. I spoke to him in German.
On Thursday I had my year mark but it was just a normal day.
Friday till saturday I wad a sweet X-change with Elder Bickham and we talked to a ton of people and found some potential investigators. We had a really hard working X-change.
On Sunday an American couple came to church which was cool. My time is up for today. I love you all very much Keep it up. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Amen
I love You all
Love Elder Ellis

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